CLIFSA Dumaguete Satellite Office
March 28, 2022
Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative
March 28, 2022Good day! I just wanted to share a quick testimony and let you know that we at CEMIMPCO Insurance Team are glad that there is an Insurtech system developed since pandemic days.
The Insurtech system is much faster and easier to use compared to the old system. It is used to take a few minutes to issue the motorcar insurance while our customers are waiting. Our site has no strong internet connection, hence; Insurtech system is very essential because we will issue thru mobile phones and the issued policy will save via email and copy to OTG then connect to computer. Otherwise, there is no need to use of the insurance form (COC, Invoice & Policy) which makes the form crumpled using the printer because if the not-s-good quality of paper. It is easy to access and can insure with no hassle.
May CLIMBS continue its good services which leads satisfaction to our customers.
Thank you and more power CLIMBS!